Do you ever wonder how to increase YouTube watch for hours, so that you can get more views and more money from YouTube? The secret is to know how to maximize every aspect of YouTube marketing. You need to learn everything you can about the site, and what works well to make videos for it, and what doesn’t work at all. In this article, we will be looking at some techniques that will increase YouTube views and watch time.

As most people who use YouTube know, the most important part of the site is its interface. How it is? Simple, you get to see only what is at top and algorithm suggest you. And then, you pick one video from all of them, and that depends not only on the niche…but also on how captivating the title and thumbnail (video imge) are.


You need to get YouTube algorithm to like you. You need great titles and images to increase CTR and get more views.

In addition to that, you should also focus on the title, description and tags. These little tags and descritpion give context to the video and can help people find videos they like more easily. There is also a search option built in to the site, which makes searching for particular types of videos easier. It’s the search bar, and having optimized tags and description will rank your video higher on rankings.


Don’t ignore tags and description, add relevant and interesting info to them. This way YouTube will show your video to those who really love it, and it will also rank better on search result…both Google and YouTube.

YouTube is all about videos. So you need to have an active channel. The easiest way to build a video emipre with frequent videos on YouTube is to hire a third party company that specializes in building videos. You will need to choose a video producing service that offers search engine optimization and quality content to make sure that your videos show up well in the search results.

Note, this might be expensive and it’s only for advanced marketers with good budget.

If you are running promotional video campaigns, then you are probably aware of the power of e-mail marketing. E-mail marketing campaigns can be highly effective because they are so targeted. A person will open an e-mail from your advertisement because they are interested in the subject at hand. People will read your e-mails because they are interested in what you are promoting. Your video promotion will do the same thing.

Another tip? Share your video, with a direct URL to your video. Best socials for that are Facebook and Twitter. This could be a great way to get more people to view your videos.

When you have your YouTube account set up, you should also take advantage of using YouTube advertising (YouTube Ads). YouTube offers a wide variety of different advertisement formats, and you should find an ad that suits your needs and budgets. When you increase YouTube watch hours, people are going to notice your channel, subscribe and watch more videos too, if content is good.

The YouTube Ads strategy is amazing to kickstart a channel, but content is crucial. Make sure to run ads on great videos.