How To Get 1000 subscribers for YouTube monetization

With YouTube’s monetization program, you can now make money from your videos. But the catch is, in order to be eligible for monetization, you need to have at least 1000 subscribers. A daunting task? Not necessarily. In this article, we will explore how to get 1000 subscribers on YouTube and how you can maximize your […]

Future of YouTube: 10 Things to Expect

One thing is sure, in 10, 20 or 100 years from now people will still love and enjoy watching videos. And, very likely, YouTube will still be there and be the leading free video browser. I mean, right now YouTube is the second most used search engine after Google itself, it is owned by Google […]

What will YouTube be like in 2069 and how you can still be rocking it by that day

As a totally normal person, you may have thought about what will YouTube be like in 2069. Will it still be the video site everyone’s been talking about? Or will it have evolved into something totally different? The future of video sites certainly looks very bright and this article discusses some of the ways we […]

How to kickstart your YouTube Channel and get more watch time and get popular

Do you ever wonder how to increase YouTube watch for hours, so that you can get more views and more money from YouTube? The secret is to know how to maximize every aspect of YouTube marketing. You need to learn everything you can about the site, and what works well to make videos for it, […]