How to read the future – A simple guide
This website’s name is futurises, there is a category called future and so, an article about how to read the future was mandatory. Probably, the smartest of you even predicted that sooner or later it would be published on this blog. Well done then, you don’t have to read this because you already know how to read the future.
If not, well, let’s keep going.
The question ‘How to read the future?’ is a difficult one. You’ll be seeing this question asked of you on TV, in Magazines, Online, on Radio and even in the News. And what is really scary is that there are so many different answers to this age-old question. But it’s easy to become confused by all the different answers and their statements don’t all make sense.
Today we’ll look at some popular ways to interpret the future, take a look at what you can do with this information and then consider whether there really is any point to knowing how to read the future.
Never mind, let’s start from the last thing.
No, there’s really no point in knowing how to predict the future. You have to ask yourself why would you want to know that? If it is to win the lottery ticket, it doesn’t count. No seriously, the best thing is not knowing what comes next, imagine knowing everything that is going to happen. So boring!
And If you’re looking for a crystal ball or something to read while you sleep, it doesn’t make any sense either.
I know that now, you’re thinking that there’s no point in doing that because life is messy and unpredictable anyway. And in fact there is no known way of working out exactly what will happen next week or next month. So, even if you wanted to know it…well, it’s not possible, sorry.
But, here is a trick. You can try to “predict” the future like a detective, using all the informations that come to you, to then make predictions as accurate as possible.
If you’ve ever looked at the global weather information data, you’ll soon realize that there are many days that can have completely different effects on the climate in different parts of the country or world.
You’ll also find that your local weather can have huge effects on your day-to-day life, even when you aren’t physically outside. And you can use that info to read the future.
For example, if you were in London, and a thunderstorm was heading your way, you wouldn’t want to read the weather forecast on the Radio or TV, but you could still use the information to determine how busy a shop will be, if it’s gonna rain or not, or…other stuff, maybe. That’s why it’s always good to rely on the information that you’ve got at your fingertips.
Another trick to read the future, is to use your past experience to have a prediction based on previous data,
But having knowledge of the past isn’t the same as being able to predict the future. Because not two people will ever have exactly the same future, nor two situations will be exactly the same, so, even though you can use the past to predict future, trying to guess or read someone else’s future is never going to be accurate.
So how to read the future is nothing more than a question of using as much current information as you can to give yourself an idea of what might happen next week or the next month. Using the information you have at your disposal, you can begin to map out possible futures based on current information and historical data. It all sounds a little strange, but it makes a lot of sense too. And now that we have the Internet, we have even more technology to make it all happen, quickly and efficiently, and gather a lot of information to predict the future. Good luck.
Amazing thank you